About me

It was the late 90’s, reading Wired magazine cover-to-cover that I decided that I wanted to be a part of the emerging digital economy. With a start in 2D & 3D computer animation, through to the early days of server-side web development, I have always found joy in building cool stuff. From growing up in Canada to my home now in Australia, from a lone operator to now leading teams through complex situations, I enjoy the challenges and satisfaction when we get things right.

I now find myself being drawn to actively shaping how this digital world is working within our lives. I believe that digital technologies hold the promise let everyone fully realise their potential. But this must happen with respect paid to our emotions and overall satisfaction. We’re increasingly coming to understand that we are much more than the sum of our biological parts, and we need to respect the human condition as part of the picture. In other words, we need to be smarter with how we are using technology and how we are letting technology use us.

The ways that we have traditionally understood problems and developed solutions are just not relevant anymore. The challenge is that old habits die hard, and there are a lot of old habits out there. The way forward is to rebuild our ways of understanding to be radically inclusive of different people and skills. I believe that being able to build the right team to suit the problem at hand will become one of the defining competitive advantages of modern enterprises.

Part technologist, strategist, entrepreneur and psychologist are the kind of people it will take to lead us through, to richer and more meaningful technology experiences that pay respect us as human beings. My journey now takes me to develop my own skills in these areas and to find others to join me along the way, to find solutions to interesting problems that matter.